Celebrating the Carbon Records 30th Anniversary, join us for a weekend of a

24th Annual Joe+N Day-Tour - August 19, 2023
Saturday August 19, 2023 :::: 8 Shows, 1 Day, 24 Years
Theme: Horizon.

20th Annual Joe+N Day-Tour
On Saturday August 10, 2019, Joe+N will perform the twentieth-annual day-to
Carbon Records: 25 Years of Cover Art
APRIL 5, 2019 - MAY 10, 2019
Opening Reception: April 5, 6-9pm

Carbon25YR Kickstarter
Carbon Records 25th Year ProjectsVisit Kickstarter
Since 1994, I have been

Brand New Joe+N Release on Humanhood Recordings
I'm please to announce a new Joe+N release on the Humanhood Recordings labe

Brand New Tuurd Digital Release!
A collection of tracks from the Not So Heavy / Pollock Dracula limited 7" (

New Carbon Buttons Site!
Check out the brand new Carbon Buttons site. Dedicated to buttons of Carbon

Free Carbon Records button with any order
Order anything from the site and receive a free Carbon Records button, rand

New Radio Show
I've started a new radio show called Numbers, on the new low-powered fm sta