


Location Study - field recording compilation CD -

Save yourself that walk: A fresh angle and perspective in field recordings.

Field recordings are doomed to remain a niche forever – the majority of listeners will simply claim you might

Other Reviews of Joe+N

City Newspaper

by Luke Strosnider

[ART PIECE] Joe Tunis' (aka Joe+N) sculpture provides a palate-cleansing me

Vital Weekly

by Jliat

Joe+N's 3inch has two pieces of guitar, steel strings? Either de-tuned or t

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by empty j

[Joe+N - Head Cold - Dirty Demos(UK)]Carbon Records is one of the more adve

City Newspaper

by Alex Miokovic and Heidi Nickisher


Joe Tunis' (joe+n) Uprooted is a zen-like "performance" of bamboo reeds in